Tips for How to Approach Your Document Management Transition

November 5, 2018 | Automation

If you’re adding a document management strategy to your business, it’s important to realize that it won’t be a one-step process. You’ll need to decide which department could see the most immediate benefits and also understand that company-wide deployment all at once may not be the wisest option. Here’s how to make sure your document management launch is a good experience.

Start Small

Digitizing one department or even one particular process within a department is an excellent way to get your feet wet. After the document management system is well underway, you can use your successes to achieve buy-in from other departments, gaining insight from brainstorming sessions with experienced employees.

Don’t Insist on 100% Paperless Processes

It’s rare for businesses to achieve their paperless goals all at once, so prepare to give yourself plenty of time and room to ease into the process. Insisting on an all-or-nothing approach will cause dissatisfaction among your employees. Instead, establish goals and be sure to celebrate small successes and achievements along the way.

Prepare to be Impressed

Even with a limited approach, your new document management system will deliver some impressive results. When digitization and process automation begins slowly replacing cumbersome paper processes, your team will suddenly have more time for critical projects. Here’s why.

Retrieving information will suddenly be a simple process that takes just moments. If your team is accustomed to searching through filing cabinets or chaotic desktop filing systems, they’ll appreciate the ease with which they can locate and share information.

Version control solutions will eliminate the frustrations of trying to keep everyone on a team updated when something changes. With the latest version of a document immediately available and previous versions just as easily retrieved, your employees can bring projects to completion faster and with fewer bottlenecks and errors.

There’s no time like the present to begin rolling out a document management solutionContact Function4 to learn how today!