3 Signs to Upgrade Copiers and Multifunctional Printers

March 5, 2021 | Business Technology

Here are a few signs it’s time to make a change!

  1. Employees are constantly waiting.

    Is there a group of employees gathered around the copier waiting for their documents? If so, you have inefficient equipment that is impeding productivity in your workplace. New copiers operate more efficiently than their predecessors. Keep the gossip in the break room!

  2. There is a technician in your office frequently.

    It’s recommended that you upgrade your copier every five years. Instead of dealing with the hassle of constantly having it repaired, upgrade to a copier that functions for your business when you need it.

  3. Your current copier is not addressing security needs.

    When you upgrade you can take advantage of advanced security features such as encrypted hard drives and password protection to keep your business safe. Hackers can use your copier to get information if you let them.

Ready to get your no cost no obligation print assessment to take the first step in controlling your copying costs? Print assessment allow you to know how much copying you are doing and how much you are paying for all the printing in your office.

Request Print Assessment Today!

The following excuses may sound legit but, they aren’t!

Here are some excuses that may be preventing you from having a more cost effective and productive office.

“We own our copier and plan on keeping it since its “paid off”

It can become more costly to maintain old copy equipment than replacing it. When you roll in service, supplies and other print expenses owning your copier or printer might be costing you more than you think. As equipment ages and technology advances your “paid off” equipment may be costing you more than an upgraded replacement. If you aren’t sure our free print assessment will take your total cost of copying and printing into account and show you how you can upgrade your technology, reduce waste and increase efficiency in your office.

“We already have a lease & service agreement”

Most of our clients already had a copier lease or service agreement in place before they became our customers. You know the value of leasing and service contracts so; we aren’t going to penalize you. Some companies are paying monthly rates so exorbitant they are able to end their lease, have us pay it off and still wind up saving money when they get new equipment.

“We are happy with our current copiers & printers & we have used our vendor for years.”

Even if you are happy with your current vendor, it can never hurt to get a no obligation print assessment in order to make sure your current vendor is supplying you with the equipment and service that meet your current needs. Having a regular cost analysis and print assessment done should be a part of your vendor relationship. Our Complete Customer Care program now allows you to bundle your equipment, supplies and service into one payment that won’t increase! Does your current vendor give you this option?

These excuses are more than likely costing you time and money and isn’t time money?

Function4 serves Houston, Beaumont, Paris, and the surrounding areas.