Is Your Business Prepared for Emerging IT Security Threats

Is Your Business Prepared for Emerging IT Security Threats?

March 13, 2019 | Cybersecurity

IT security issues are on every business leader’s mind, or they should be. For every high profile cyberattack, there are thousands more that never make the headlines. Where does your company stand?

With small and midsize businesses (SMBs) now a favorite target of criminals, it’s more important than ever to prioritize security for your company’s IT infrastructure. Here are some practical steps your organization can take to shore up your defenses from IT security threats.

  1. Education and training

    Anyone on your staff with access to company email, document management systems, or print environments needs to know how to spot a phishing attempt. Hackers find social engineering to be wildly successful, which is why it’s now the top IT security issue threatening your business. When uneducated employees willingly hand over sensitive information, it could be months before anyone knows what’s happened.

  2. Software updates

    It’s easier to ignore than to respond to software updates, so many go unaddressed. Hackers are on the hunt for these vulnerabilities, responding to them with astonishing speed. For your business, the consequences can be devastating—and irreversible if you’re not prepared.

  3. 24/7 monitoring

    Who is monitoring your network for unauthorized login attempts, network intrusions, and spam email? Even the slightest oversight on the part of your IT staff could allow a hacker to sneak into your network.

  4. Check your print environment.

    Are confidential documents left in print trays undermining your security efforts? Are your multifunction systems and printers protected from security vulnerabilities?

  5. Back up your data.

    Your collective knowledge is one of your company’s most valuable assets. Without a data backup and disaster recovery plan, could you recover from a catastrophic data or system loss?

Is your IT security strategy built to defend your business from emerging threats? To lower your risk, contact Function4 for expert assistance today!