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3 Essential Protections Provided Through Document Management

September 17, 2018 | Document Management

While most efforts to protect information have to do with stopping outside intruders and malicious attacks, information is vulnerable from the inside as well. Is yours protected?

Protection Through Your Document Management System

Document management stores information based on content, making it easier to access, edit, and share. Document management also provides businesses with valuable solutions designed to protect data. Here are three ways your document management system protects your company’s most sensitive information.

  1. Controlling Access

    We know that it is important to protect information from unauthorized access by outside parties, but what about internal threats? Not every employee has the need (nor the authority) to see every document that’s stored or passes through your organization. Document management allows administrators to filter access and limit functions for each record stored in the system. With access limited to authorized personnel only, your company will be in a better position to control information, maintain confidentiality, and meet compliance mandates.

  2. Backing Up Information

    Is your business well protected from the fallout of catastrophic events, such as flooding or a fire? It is not if the only copies of your documents are stored in filing cabinets, computer hard drives, or cardboard boxes. Document management systems with critical backup and recovery solutions allow businesses to access information, even if their offices are under water or destroyed by fire.

  3. Monitoring Changes

    There’s no way to tell if the paper document you’re reading is the most recent version. If critical changes are missing, the consequences could be extremely damaging to your business, especially if you act upon outdated information. Document management uses tracking and version control solutions that show who viewed or edited a document and when changes occurred all while protecting original content.

Is your information protected on all fronts? Contact Function4 to learn more about our Document Management System today.